Why choose us?
You might be thinking that high quality, targeted, sales recruitment services like ours come at a high price, but you'd be wrong! Our rates on an exclusive basis, are highly competitive at only 15% of guaranteed income.
Trust Recruitment Process
Our TRUST process - "Thorough", "Resourceful", "Understanding", "Secure", "Cross the 'T's!"
Your business will be represented by a highly experienced UK based consultant who will manage the entire recruitment process. Our recruitment process and methodology is straight and simple. You will have a single responsible and accountable point of contact who will work to our own simple five stage internal process that we call TRUST. TRUST places you, our client, right at the heart of the recruitment process and involved at each stage.
Our database service starts with a solid thorough specification which we like to take face to face so that we can get a complete understanding of your needs in order to i) source the very best talent and ii) enthuse about your business to attract them to attend interview. We like to look beyond skills and experience and look at the background and personalities of your best performing staff, we find out information about the values and direction of the business, we find out what sales approach works best and also what you do as a team to 'let your hair down'. In doing so we are best placed to effectively recruit for your business and to get it right! We therefore want to go beneath the surface to understand your direction, requirements and corporate culture and this is best done on a face-to-face meeting. At this point we'll also agree fees, set time scales in the form of a recruitment plan and understand your expectation levels.
We estimate that we have access to approximately 1 in 8 sales professionals in the UK and are expert in finding the 'needle in a haystack'. Typically we are able to respond in 3-5 working days with a shortlist, profiled, interviewed against you required competencies and psychometrically tested against your role. At this point we will also provide you with a list of interview questions to probe where their personality traits don't quite meet the brief.
We do not forget that the needs of our candidates are as important as the needs of our clients. Once sourced and profiled we ensure that the role meets the candidate's requirements and test their needs, motivators, and expectations.
Once your agreement to meet with the candidate has been made we will secure interviews and confirm all of the arrangements in writing to each candidate. The candidate will also receive our 15 day Sales 'Career Success Masterclass' to enable themselves to prepare fully and research your business prior to your meeting.
Cross the 'T's!
Once all of the arrangements are made we thoroughly manage the recruitment process and make you aware of any potential obstacles along the way. We take extensive feedback from all parties and coach every candidate through each stage. We then make the offer to the candidate (and as the cost was fixed at the beginning of the assignment it's in everyone's interest to make the offer through us as a third party) and coach the successful applicant through their resignation and notice period. We can then arrange for the candidate to be independently verified through our referencing partner and will keep you abreast of all events, planned start dates, etc. Then, dependent on your agreement, we will keep in contact periodically with the candidate through the first year to ensure a smooth transition into your business.
For further information and the questions that we are frequently asked by potential customers visit: https://www.aaronwallis.co.uk/employers/why-use-aaron-wallis/faq/
To find out more call 01908 061400 or submit a vacancy on the form on the right hand sideDiscover More About Our Service
For further information and the questions that we are frequently asked by potential customers visit: https://www.aaronwallis.co.uk/employers/why-use-aaron-wallis/faq/
Search jobs
With hundreds of jobs available, now is the time to look for your perfect position
by Rob Scott
Managing Director
About the author
Rob Scott