Aaron Wallis Sales Survey Commissioned in 2009
Aaron Wallis has commissioned a survey of UK sales professionals titled 'The State of Sales in the UK- A Comprehensive Overview of the British Sales Industry'. The study was launched in July 2009 and lasted for six weeks. The survey was structured of 70 questions designed to uncover a range of information on the UK sales industry: from the impact of technology to the variations in industry sector. A total of 784 sales professionals from the United Kingdom engaged with the survey, making it a valuable resource.
It makes interesting reading; download your copy of the white paper below:
The State of Sales in the UK - A Comprehensive Overview of the British Sales Industry
Infographic of the Results from the 2009 State of Sales in the UK Survey
2009 Irish Sales Industry Statistics
In conjunction with Niall Kelly and our friends at salesjobs.i.e, we also undertook a comparison with the Irish Sales Industry. SalesJobs.ie conducted the survey with a similar number of responses across Eire. A link to download this survey is available here:
The State of Sales in Ireland - A Comprehensive Overview of the Irish Sales Industry
Date published: 28th February 2025

by Rob Scott
Managing Director

About the author
Rob Scott
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