"Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment are a very friendly and professional recruitment organisation who listen to your needs, work with you and act on your behalf"
Ray Hood

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For Job Seeker Candidates - How We Do Things
We like to think a little differently and a little better!
First off, we'd love to help everyone. If we could, we'd rapidly reach our mission of 'being recognised and respected by all UK sales professionals! Unfortunately, we can't help everyone at once. We don't want to promise false statements like we aim to 'exceed your expectations' - frankly, we'd love to just meet them! What we'd like to happen is whether we've helped you or not, you move onto the next stage of your career with a positive impression of Aaron Wallis.
We can only achieve our mission by being fair, open and providing excellent service. If we do this somewhat naturally, you will recommend us to your friends, family and colleagues.
Experts - We are experts in sales recruitment, and we want our service to be memorable so that we can continuously help you step by step as your sales career progresses.
Meet Expectations - We aim to meet your expectations. If we can't help you, we'll tell you so. If we might be able to help you, we'll tell you so. If we can definitely help you, we'll tell you so, and then the pressure is on to deliver to meet your expectation!
Expert Advice - Even if we can't help, we hope that the help and guidance that you receive from our sales 'Career Success Masterclass' will aid you to progress in your career. If it does, please let us know; we'd love to hear from you.
Continuing Success - Obviously, we want you to be happy in the role in which we place you. That way, we get repeat business, and we grow as a business. We'd love to hear your success stories.
Referrals - Sales, after all, is a contact sport! The more you recommend us, the quicker we'll gain market share and the nearer we are to our mission of 'being recognised and respected by all UK sales professionals'. To thank you for recommending us to friends, colleagues and family, we offer an excellent referral scheme. Have a shop, have a night away, pamper yourself or do something EXTREME!
Aaron Wallis is a member of the REC (the governing body) and have signed up to both the REC Code of Professional Practise and Diversity Pledge. In addition, we follow the REC formal Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures.
We hope that you have a positive impression of Aaron Wallis.
Our MD is Rob Scott, and if there are any issues, he can be contacted at info@aaronwallis.co.uk
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With hundreds of jobs available, now is the time to look for your perfect position

by Rob Scott
Managing Director

About the author
Rob Scott
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