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What is a Typical Car Allowance in 2025
As the cost of living continues to rise, so does the cost of owning and maintaining a car. This can be a significant expense for many people. But what is a typical car allowance in 2024?
What Should a Car Allowance Cover
A car allowance is a payment made by an employer to an employee to cover the costs of using their vehicle for work-related purposes.
Car allowances should typically cover the expenses associated with maintaining and operating a vehicle, such as fuel, insurance, and necessary repairs. It should also cover a reasonable amount to compensate the employee for the 'wear and tear' on their vehicle resulting from business travel.
Should the Car Allowance be Standard for all Employees?
We would say that it depends. The amount of a 'reasonable' car allowance is influenced by several factors, including the employee's location, job role, and company policies.
The first is the location of the employee. If you have a field salesperson in Scotland and expect them to come to the office in the Midlands a couple of times per month, the 'wear and tear' amount should be considerably higher.
Secondly, in remote areas, the cost of operating a vehicle may be higher due to factors such as higher fuel prices, worse road conditions and car maintenance costs.
Thirdly, for field sales, you may want your employees to create a good impression of your company, so you may need to pay a higher allowance in this case so that they can lease or buy a better 'grade' car.
Lastly, what is your car allowance policy – check with HR. Remember that when an employee is driving their car on behalf of your business, it becomes your responsibility. ). By scrimping on the car allowance, your employee may not keep their vehicle as maintained as it should be. If they have an accident, it will potentially become your problem (see note on the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007).
What is a Typical Car Allowance in 2025
The range is huge, and we see firms paying allowances from £310 to £730 per calendar month to field-based sales staff.
As a business owner/line manager, based on your company car policy, you can determine the car allowance for an employee and include it in their contract.
Taking into account the average of projects worked by Aaron Wallis, we recommend that the benchmark figures should be:
- £8,740 to £13,730 for Sales Directors, Commercial Directors, and Business Unit Directors of larger companies
- £6,660 to £8,740 for Senior Sales Managers and Sales Directors of SMEs
- £5,000 to £6,660 for Sales Managers
- £4,370 to £5,000 for Business Development Managers
- £3,740 to £4,370 for Field Sales Representatives/Area Sales
NB: The car allowance is typically paid as a salary, so tax and national insurance will apply at the usual rates. While making tax arrangements for both parties easier than for a company car, you must consider this when setting the car allowance rate. In addition, we suggest you provide a mileage allowance to employees in addition to the car allowance, which is reported as an expense.
We recommend a minimum of £310 per calendar month if the maximum mileage allowance is offered (currently, in 2025, this is 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles and 25p after that).
We recommend a minimum of £360 PCM if a lower mileage allowance is offered. After tax and NI, that equates more to about £280, so the employee would be able to lease a car at, say, £210 PCM, allowing £70 PCM to cover insurance and maintenance.
In the current economic climate, if an employee has concerns about the adequacy of their car allowance, they should discuss these concerns with their employer to try to reach a satisfactory arrangement.
What is a Typical Car Allowance for Sales Directors in 2025
Directors, senior executives, or board members expect some level of prestige when meeting with clients and, therefore, are usually paid a higher car allowance.
Again, we see a wide range offered from £620 to £1,140 PCM, with the typical amount being around £730 PCM. Allowing for tax and NI, this amount should cover the lease cost of a mid to top-of-the-range German marque or similar.
Date published: 26th Feb 2025
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George Humphries
George is an experienced recruitment consultant at Aaron Wallis, specialising in recruiting top sales staff for technical and commercial positions. With a background in both FCMG and technical sales, George has first-hand experience in the sales industry, giving him great insight into identifying top performers.
If you're looking to take the next step in your career, George is a valuable source of professional advice, working daily with some of the brightest and biggest businesses throughout the UK.
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