How to Make a Great First Impression
Video and Transcript
This is a transcript of a video, for a dedicated article on first interviews check out our how-to on making good impressions at 1st interviews.
First impressions are everything during an interview. Here are some brief hints and tips on how to get it right. First off, turn up on time. There's nothing worse than somebody turning up for an interview late, all sweaty because they've had to run from the car.
Secondly, smile. When you go in make sure you smile and engage with every one that goes through reception. I can't overestimate the importance of getting on with the receptionist. Quite often, the interviewer will ask the receptionist what they thought of the person because that first impression is exactly what their clients are going to see of you. Make sure when the interviewer comes out to collect you and you're chatting to the receptionist, what a great positive impression that makes of somebody that genuinely can build rapport at all levels.
When you first meet the interviewer, professionally greet them and look into their eyes long enough to register their eye colour. The interview is going to kick off with small talk so plan it beforehand. You're going to talk about the weather. You're going to talk about your journey to work. You're going to talk about how wonderful their premises are. But just think of a few little snippets of small talk beforehand.
When you get into the interview room, wait to be invited to sit down. Those little things score a brownie point. And when you sit down, ask if it's possible to make notes. One, it will make you look like a professional. Secondly, you can genuinely make notes. But you'll earn another brownie point for asking whether you can make notes throughout the interview as well.
And finally, listen. We all know that a great sales person understands the problem before they prescribe the solution. So listen to the employer why exactly are they recruiting, what problems have they had to create this need, and how exactly can you be the solution to their requirement.
Date published: 3rd March 2024
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