"Darren Dewrance went above and beyond my expectations in sourcing me my perfect role. I was kept in regular communication with Darren and he worked extremely hard on securing my dream job."
Russell Sealy, Candidate

Darren Dewrance
Founding Director
Darren's Story
Having returned from travelling with a few shekels in his pocket, Darren started his career in field sales before joining the recruitment industry with Austin Benn back in 1998. Having enjoyed many successful years recruiting he then went on to join PSD and FPSG in a senior management capacity.
In 2007, having convinced their wives, Darren and Rob set up Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment and have never looked back!!
Darren’s time is now split with growing the Aaron Wallis business, managing multiple projects, recruiting, training and leading teams.
Darren is married with two children and lives in Bedfordshire. When not at work Darren spends most of time desperately trying to remain fit & healthy!
More about Darren
Describe your role in one sentence? Founding Director, providing leadership.
What is your style? Honest, hardworking and fair. I require the same from our teams.
What’s the one thing that you’re best at solving for your clients? Large scale, complicated recruitment projects
1. Why would a client want to work with you?
Very experienced, honest…..
2. What would you do, as a career, if you weren’t working in recruitment?
I would buy a fishing lake in rural France
3. What do you have a knack for (better than everyone else)?
Understanding people, motives and situations
4. What are the characteristics and skills you have that you believe are particularly suited to what you do?
Emotional intelligence and an ability to think on your feet!
5. I confess to being bad at...
Dieting and demonstrating patience
6. Three things you’d never guess about me?
Qualified first aider, FA level 1 football coach and spent 12 months in Jerusalem running a hostel
7. Best movie you have ever seen (the film you’d happily watch time and time again)?
8. What is the mantra, motivational quote or poem that inspires you?
Be the very best version of yourself
8. What would you like to have on your gravestone?
01/09/1972 to date
10. What are your 3 ‘Desert Island’ songs?
Music has never really been my thing
11. What one day in your life would you like to live over again?
Most will answer wedding day, birth of first child but........187lb catfish landed in Spain!
12. Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at?
Calm in a crisis and getting things done
13. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
My wife for putting up with me since 1992!
14. If your house was on fire and you could grab only 3 material possessions before leaving, what would they be?
Rods, Reels and Landing net
15. What is the temptation that you wish you could resist?
Anything with sugar
16. Your ultimate ambition outside of work?
Buy a house in the country with a private fishing lake
17. When you think of ‘retirement’ what image does it conjure up?
Winnebago, exploring America’s National Parks
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by Darren Dewrance
Founding Director

About the author
Darren Dewrance
Darren spent six years in sales and field sales before joining the original sales recruitment specialist, Austin Benn, in 1998. After achieving the status of top consultant, out of about seventy at the time, Darren rose from Senior Consultant to Operations Manager of the commercial sector before leaving to join a London based Headhunter in 2003 before setting up Aaron Wallis with Rob in October 2007.
With a natural leadership style, Darren is an expert on putting his finger right on the heart of the problem. His natural commercial instincts have helped hundreds of employers make better recruitment decisions. Darren is married with two children, and when not at work or with his family, he likes nothing more than to be on the side of a river or a lake with a rod in his hand.