"Highly recommend Aaron Wallis Recruitment - Sophie was excellent. I was in touch with a couple of other agency's at the time and Aaron Wallis were by far the most responsive, informative and very helpful. Thanks Sophie for all your help!"
Zoe Jones

Environmental Policy
Company Name: Aaron Wallis Recruitment & Training Limited ("the Company")
Model Policy Name: Environmental Policy
Date: 15th November 2021
The Company recognises and understands the importance of protecting the environment in which we operate. We are fully committed to minimising the impact of running our business on the environment, and we encourage our clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders to do the same.
The Company is aware that our business activities result in the use of energy and water, the generation of waste, transport emissions when meeting with clients and candidates, and resources, such as paper and IT Hardware.
The Company will comply with all relevant legislative, regulatory, and other environmental requirements to act in a socially responsible manner. We will strive to improve our environmental performance continuously.
The Company will aim to tackle the environmental impacts listed above, for example:
- We minimise the use of natural resources and have installed solar panels in our Head Office to generate all our electricity;
- We minimise our use of paper and other office consumables and have implemented a programme to promote recycling, and all paper, card, plastics and cans are recycled using the appropriate local recycling schemes;
- Where possible, we use video interviews to meet with candidates and clients to limit traffic emissions;
- We only use public transport apart from exceptional circumstances;
- We, as far as possible, arrange for the reuse of, or recycling of, office waste, including redundant equipment;
- We proactively seek to reduce the use of all raw materials, energy and supplies;
- We raise awareness, encourage participation and train employees in environmental matters;
- We ensure that all our staff are fully aware of this policy and encourage feedback from staff on improvements and feed these into the policy;
- We designate appropriate resources in order to implement, monitor and continuously improve the policy;
- We inform and encourage staff at all levels to act in an environmentally responsible manner and provide training where necessary;
- We ensure that any associates that we employ take account of environmental issues in their advice to clients;
- We make this policy available to any interested external parties and employees, and it is openly available on our website;
- We purchase and promote the use of greener office and cleaning products;
- We regularly consider the ecological impact of any business decisions made and assesses the effects of all historical, current and likely future operations;
- We continuously seek to improve environmental performance
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure its continuing effectiveness.
Rob Scott, Managing Director, will be responsible for implementing the above objectives, reviewing progress and continuously updating this policy as necessary. The Company will review this policy periodically.
Robert Scott, MBA, FCMI
Managing Director
15th November 2021
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With hundreds of jobs available, now is the time to look for your perfect position

by Rob Scott
Managing Director

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Rob Scott